Six Frosted Roses

Brothers and Sisters and Bears, Oh My!
Six exciting new retellings of Snow White and Rose Red

Interested in helping us spread the word about these exciting new stories?
The Blog Tour Sign-up is now closed, but you're welcome to grab the Info Packet and post a spotlight on your own! Any post promoting the Frosted will count towards the Giveaway!

Rose Petals & Snowflakes
By Kendra E. Ardnek
An Austen Mashup
September 20th 25th

Rachel Rossano - Snowmari
Dreams & Dragons - Elinrose
Mae Heller - Kendra E. Ardnek
Ellwyn's Blog - Kendra E. Ardnek
The Arista's Directory
Madi's Musings
Blooming With Books
The Lost Review of Odd Books + Mini Interview!
Live. Love. Read.
Light & Shadows
Fantastical Notions
Paper, Ink, & Lizard

Runaway Lyrics
By C.O. Bonham
A Steampunk Adventure
September 21st

Fantastical Notions - Rose
Mae Heller - C.O. Bonham
Character Spotlights:
Rachel Rossano - Bayare
A Splash of Ink - Rose
Live. Love. Read. - Wickham
Dreams & Dragons - Snow
Guest Posts:
Laura A. Grace - Becoming the Musician
Deeply Shallow - How the Dwarf Kept His Beard
Ellwyn's Blog - The Magic of Music
The Arista's Directory
Blooming With Books
The Lost Review of Odd Books + Mini Interview!
Light and Shadows

As Long as We Live
By Cortney Manning
An Epic Fae Romance
September 22nd

Mae Heller - Cortney Manning
Character Spotlights:
Rachel Rossano - Ivy
Laura A. Grace - Alain
Paper, Ink, & Lizard - Pierre
Guest Posts:
Dreams & Dragons - Sisters Red and White
Ellwyn's Blog - The Ungrateful Dwarf
The Arista's Directory
Blooming with Books
Live. Love. Read.
Light & Shadows
Fantastical Notions + Mini Interview!

Secrets of the Mountain
By Wyn Estelle Owens
A Nordic Saga
September 23rd 26th

Dreams & Dragons
Mae Heller - Wyn Estelle Owens
Character Spotlights:
Rachel Rossano - Tryggvi
A Splash of Ink - Svanhilda
Laura A. Grace - Rosfrida
Guest Posts:
Fantastical Notions - Snow White, Rose Red, & Vikings
Ellwyn's Blog - The World of Secrets of the Mountain
The Arista's Directory
Madi's Musings
Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors
Blooming With Books
The Lost Review of Odd Books + Mini Interview!
Live. Love. Read.
Light and Shadows
Paper, Ink, & Lizard + Mini Interview!

Gilded in Ice
Sarah Pennington
A Jazz-Age Mystery
September 24th

Character Spotlights:
Rachel Rossano - Bastian
A Splash of Ink - The Cat
 Fantastical Notions - Kona
Guest Posts:
Dreams & Dragons - Welcome to Innsjoby
Laura A. Grace - The Flavors of Innsjoby
Ellwyn's Blog - A Day in the Life of Roselle
Live. Love. Read. - A Day in the Life of the Cat
The Arista's Directory
Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors
C.O. Bonham
Blooming With Books
The Lost Review of Odd Books + Mini Interview!
Light & Shadows
Paper, Ink, & Lizard

The Bear
By Rachel Roden
A Western Fairy Tale
September 25th 27th
October 28th

Rachel Rossano - Rose
Dreams & Dragons - Rachel Roden
Ellwyn's Blog - Rachel Roden

Want to check out our previous collections?
Tattered Slippers - Twelve Dancing Princesses 

Want to take part in upcoming collections? Join the Band of Fairy Tale Retellers! (Facebook Group)

(Giveaway is U.S. only, btw)


  1. I like the Disney version of Snow White.

    1. Not a bad retelling of Snow White, but we're looking for retellings of Snow White & Rose Red which is a very different fairy tale.

  2. I'm afraid I haven't read many Snow White and Rose Red retellings (yet) but I kinda enjoyed The Shadow of the Bear by Regina Doman. :)
